More than just a farm

Some of my most favorite moments have spawned from this land in Funston, Louisiana. Every holiday or family gathering, for as long as I can remember, was spent around the dinner table enjoying a nice hearty meal that came straight from C6 farms. Thanksgiving mornings, my siblings and I would wake up early and help my dad with the cows in the working pens. When I was just 7 or 8 years old, my dad and I sat quietly in a deer standing waiting for the moment that I shot, with his guidance, my first (and only) deer— a 9-point buck that now hangs proudly in our living room. I’ve spent hundreds of hours over the years roaming around the land on a four-wheeler just taking in the sheer beauty of God’s creation. But perhaps my most favorite thing about the farm is seeing the pure unadulterated joy on my father’s face when he talks about it. Lately he cannot stop talking about expanding the farm so that more families can enjoy what we’ve been enjoying for years.

